North Carolina Medicare Resource Center

North Carolina Medicare Advantage - Medicare Resource Center

Medicare Part C is a type of insurance that is offered by a private company and assumes the risk associated with your original Medicare. This means that it becomes your primary source of coverage instead of Medicare Part B and Part A.

Medicare Advantage plans are also known as Medicare Part C plans. These provide various benefits, such as gym memberships, vision, dental, and prescription drug coverage. Some plans even have an OTC card that allows beneficiaries to shop for over-the-counter medications.

Medicare is a type of healthcare system that consists of two main components: Medicare Part A and Part B. With a Medicare Part C plan, you can choose from a variety of healthcare options and still get the same benefits as both Medicare Part A and B.

Medicare Part C in North Carolina

Medicare Part C in North Carolina

Are you looking for an alternative to Original Medicare? Medicare Part C, also known as Medicare Advantage, may be the perfect option for you. With low monthly premiums and added benefits, a Medicare Advantage Plan can provide you with the coverage you need.

When is the Medicare Advantage Enrollment Period in North Carolina?

When is the Medicare Advantage Enrollment Period in North Carolina?

The Medicare Advantage enrollment period is a time when people who are enrolled in Medicare can switch from Original Medicare (parts A and B) to a Medicare Advantage plan, or switch from one Medicare Advantage plan to another.

Who is eligible for Medicare Advantage in North Carolina?

Who is eligible for Medicare Advantage in North Carolina?

Anyone who is eligible for Medicare is also eligible for a Medicare Advantage plan. In order to be eligible for Medicare, you must be 65 years of age or older, or you must have certain disabilities or medical conditions that qualify you for Medicare.